Friday, October 8, 2010

Second Time Movie Review: The Dark Knight (2008)

I am making a brave attempt at putting up a second time review for this movie. Frankly speaking every time I see this movie I find new reasons to watch it again. So there should ideally be third time review, fourth time review, nth time review and so on.

The first thing i notice every time I watch this movie is the tone it sets. The dressing, the ambience and mannerism- they all convey a fictional world. A world slightly different than ours. Its a world struggling with crime, crime is open dominant and the mass is helpless like a pack of sitting ducks. (Actually the real world is also similar but there is a certain distaste added which makes it look surreal).

Then there is the element of competence in the characters. Batman, Joker, Harvey and Gordon they all are characters who are at a higher level of competence then the rest of the world. Almost on an another plane and they make light work of it. This is why they radiate an extremism in heroism or anti-heroism. Harvey looks pleasing when he says simply : "She shares the same passion as me, Justice". No big brandish, simple and effective. Such are the people going through their personal struggles in this whole movie.

If you are watching the movie for a second time it will be good to ensure that you don't miss out on those finer dialogs (one may call them comic). I say they are things that a person may just speak it in situations. Small take on things. Like when Batman says: "I am not wearing hockey pants". They bring a sort of relief and some realism to the scenes. My favorite is when Scarecrow says: "Not my diagnosis". This single line means a lot in this movie and probably more about the whole Batman trilogy. Christopher Nolan's Batman is not above flaws and thats the beauty of it.

Flawed superheros are the "in thing". Audiences don't like a Mr. Perfect anymore, they need flaws. I like a superhero with flaws and thats where i loved Batman Begins.

This part of my article I am being haunted by one question: Should I comment on Heath Ledger???

Naaaahhhh. Nobody can miss him or his excellence. I need not say more on this topic.

However for the character of the Joker, well i want to take that liberty. " A two bit whack job wearing a cheap purple suit". Its amazing how the whack job terrifies a whole city. People hoping to remain alive in front of the onslaught by a single man. The hidden message in the movie is on our own vulnerabilities. How easily the public is willing to believe when threatened and how easily they can ditch their heroes to stay alive.

Last comment i would have is about the gadgets. Though the fingerprint deduction part i believe was a little over the top I loved the bike and i loved the rest of the gadgets. The last gadget , using all mobiles as Sonar was also extreme but this is a superhero movie and i guess it is ok.

Watch this movie again and again and enjoy it. I loved it, the world loves it and i bet u wont regret watching it again

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